FAQs - (Click on the Question below to go to our answer)

1. Do “all” your solutions have Emotional Intelligence underpinning them?

2. What convinces you that EI is essential to organisational communication?

3. What are the key benefits of becoming a Moccasin Manager®

4. How many people in an organisation need to go through your Moccasin Approach® programme to ensure performance change in the workplace for everyone?

5. What is the Phoenix Effect of culture change that you advocate?  

6. What is ES2, and how does it fit into the Phoenix Effect? 

7. What is the “EI Tree”®?

8. Are all your solutions available online?

9. What does “ROPE” stand for, and what does it mean?

10. What outcomes can an organisation expect after investing in the Moccasin Approach? 

11. How do we decide which Train the Trainer course to have our people attend?  

12. What topics does your TTT (Train the Trainer) course include?

13. If our trainers have PTLLS or the AET, why do you still recommend they attend your course?

14. What experience does Mac Macdonald have regarding training and organisational Culture?

15. Do you have special offers at certain times of the year?

16. What are your fees per day?

17. Do you have official certificates for your Registered Trademark claims in the UK and US? 

1. Do “all” your solutions have Emotional Intelligence underpinning them? (To Top)

Yes, pretty much. We believe that the fundamental need in humans is to create healthy, open and honest relationships. EI helps us do this with many tools and good practices that help us create, develop and maintain great relationships. And yes, this works equally well for relationships at home and in our social lives.  

We believe that even things like Managing our Day (Time Management) and Career Development (Performance Management) must have EI threaded through them. 

2. What convinces you that EI is essential to organisational communication? (To Top)

Mostly our own experiences, talking to delegates, clients and participants. Hearing those in-house anecdotes of how things worked or didn’t work. The discussions around effective and high-performing teams. 

All of these led us to discover and understand how humans need to operate to be successful, but the reality is that we seldom actually work in that way! Why? Because we are conditioned not to! This is due to our varied experiences during our early and formative years growing up and in the workplace. Saying what we really feel or how we truly feel about something is often seen as unacceptable, rebellious or even rude! 

3. What are the key benefits of becoming a Moccasin Manager®? (To Top)

•    A higher awareness of my behaviour and its impact on others.

•    Understanding why I must get to know everyone far better.

•    The ability to engage with people in a far more effective way.

•    The ability to build high-performing teams.

•    Improved working relationships and smoother working from them.

•    The ability to facilitate feedback rather than give it.

4. How many people in an organisation need to go through your Moccasin Approach® programme to ensure performance change in the workplace for everyone? (To Top)

That is almost impossible to answer as we must first understand how the organisation operates. For example, we need to know:

5. What is the Phoenix Effect of culture change that you advocate?  (To Top)

Like the mythical bird, we believe in achieving a new and improved culture. The old, outdated, toxic culture must be burnt away to create the new, driven, fully supported culture. 

It cannot be achieved quickly as it takes careful planning and investment of time and resources, and unless it is well managed, it will not work as well as it can. 

The organisation must implement new processes, which we help create or edit existing ones. It will probably need to change Performance Management processes to utilise the EI-based facilitative approach we promote. 

Finally, it MUST introduce a theme of accountability and responsibility by monitoring and assessing the underpinning behaviours expected from the organisational values. 

6. What is ES2, and what does it do for organisational culture? (To Top)

ES2 is what we describe as a must-have for a successful and sustained organisational culture.
ES2 is the combination of the Emotional Security provided and ensured by the organisation, ensuring that every person in the organisation feels genuinely safe (Emotional Safety) to say what they want to anyone they wish respectfully and professionally. 

7. What is the “EI Tree”®? (To Top)

The “EI Tree” presents a more holistic view of what we offer to many organisations. The EI Tree gives an overview of the aspirations and desired outcomes most organisations dream of but rarely achieve due to a lack of authentic commitment. 

It shows how we should all be working as one in our organisations. Our position or title should not dictate how we behave. What should drive our behaviour are the organisational values we expect all our people to adhere to, which should map closely to our people’s values. 

8. Are all your solutions available online? (To Top)

Yes, we’ve always had our solutions available as a blended solution, and since the 2020 pandemic, they can now be facilitated online. We have what has been described as our “LiveOnLine” solutions as they are facilitated live with the attendees interacting so they are fully engaged. Our resources include self-study research-based resources for those who wish to dive in and read them through. The resources are only available to those registered on a learning programme with our organisation. 

Our LiveOnLine solutions are available in many ways, from 30-minute bite-size sessions to full-day explorations with multiple breaks, collective discussions, and small group activities.

9. What does “ROPE” stand for, and what is it about? (To Top)

ROPE stands for Remote Office Pairing Engagement. It is the imaginary roping together (like on a mountain for safety) of people within teams so that each person is paired up with someone from home to office and vice versa. The key here is to keep in touch and up to date as you’d expect. 

The slight but essential difference is that we also encourage people from the office to update their paired colleagues with the small talk from the office. This non-work social chit-chat, which sometimes occurs a little more than it should, is a gap in the remote worker's world. And, albeit subconsciously, they miss this.   

Many aspects must be carefully considered, but please ask us more on this topic. 

10. What outcomes can an organisation using the Moccasin Approach expect? (To Top)

Again, this is very much up to the organisation in how they embed and monitor/assess the expected behaviours of their people and, most importantly, hold everyone to account to ensure the changes. 

From previous experience, these are just some of the changes organisations have “evidenced”:

11. How do we decide which Train the Trainer course to have our people attend? (To Top)

In brief, it depends on what their role is and what prior experience they have, if any. 

If their role is that of an occasional trainer, not their full-time role, we have a 2-day “Occasional Trainer” solution.

If this is to become their full-time role and they have little to no experience, we recommend the 5-day solution. This gives each person the time to learn, practice and plan for their final assessed session.  

For full-time, experienced trainers (minimum 12 months delivery experience), we have a 3-day Moccasin Trainer solution. (Usually too fast-paced for beginners). 

All solutions culminate in a live delivery of a training session of their choice, lasting approximately 20 minutes.

All options have elements of EI within them. 

12. What topics does your TTT (Train the Trainer) course include? (To Top)

We include:

•    Writing Task Based Objectives (TBOs). Easier than SMART but equally robust. 

•    How to structure a training session.

•    Engagement, motivation and participation techniques.

•    The three times of learning approach.

•    The various approaches of monitoring and assessing.

•    The art of questioning (6 techniques and when/when not to use them).

•    Planning and preparing the training session.

•    Measuring the training session.

•    SAS feedback. “Facilitating” feedback (not giving it). 

13. If trainers have PTLLS / AET, why do you still recommend they attend your course? (To Top)

The Award in Education and Training (AET) or Certificate in Education and Training (CET) are all fine as they stand; Mac has the AET qualification himself. However, it does not cover many of the LaPD ingredients. We feel these extra ingredients are critical to helping trainers understand the art of switching between delivering training, facilitating a group of learners, and catering to their learning needs. 

One of the critical aspects we cover in this area is what we refer to as “Reasoning Questions”. These force learners to think through information to gain an answer and not just be spoon-fed the answers as many trainers are taught to do. 

14. What experience does Mac have regarding training and organisational Culture? (To Top)

Mac has been facilitating and delivering learning events for over 38 years. His experience includes being a Military Training Instructor in the British Army, where he taught Leadership and Management. He also specialised in TTT (Train the Trainer) delivery and assessment. 

Mac designed and delivered events for the Training Foundation’s CTAP programme for eight years. CTAP is now known as TAP Learning and is owned by QA. 

Mac has worked as a consultant for many top brands, as shown in the image below, and is highly experienced in Emotional Intelligence and how to get your people working to the best of their ability.

Mac completed his master’s degree (July 2019) on “The Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership and Management”. The results showed that relationships improved dramatically, leading to improved outputs and performance.    

15. Do you have special offers at any time of the year? (To Top)

Yes, we certainly do, and they are very popular. 

We have “Season Tickets” available to purchase multiple days in advance. We also have “Special Offers” to support our registered charity. These days do not have to be assigned dates and can be used across and beyond the financial year on any of our current or requested topics. This allows organisations to spend their remaining budgets on at least some of the next financial year's training requirements. 

We have also added the facility for some organisations to order now and pay by the 7th of April next year. This means organisations can continue to offer their people training and pay from next year's budget. 

16. What are your fees per day? (To Top)

Our fees vary depending on whether you are NHS, Police, Fire Service and other public bodies, as we offer charitable rates. 

We also have introductory offers for new clients, and every year, we have a “Season Ticket”, which works roughly as the more you purchase, the more you save. See our Special Offers by clicking here

17. Do you have official certificates for your UK and US Trademarks? (To Top)

Yes, we do. The certificates can be viewed by clicking on the relevant link below. 

Moccasin Approach® - UK Trademark Registration - please click here.  

Moccasin Manager® - UK Trademark Registration - please click here

The EI Tree® - UK Trademark Registration - please click here.

Moccasin Approach® - US Trademark Registration - please click here

Moccasin Manager® - US Trademark Registration - please click here

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